Research Interests

Research Interests – Also, SEE MAIN PUBLICATIONS TAB and SCROLL to “Other Works in Print”

  1. Rabies virus
  2. Antimicrobial resistance (MRSA, VISA, VRSA, VRE, etc.) & HAIs
  3. Oral Rabies Vaccination for wildlife
  4. Zoonotic disease
  5. Biotechnology & Molecular diagnostics
  6. Molecular epidemiology

coyote1                                     RABIES
(Coyote)                                                                                                         (EM of rabies virus)


Rohde R.E. Rupprecht, C. Airdropping vaccines to eliminate canine rabies in Texas – two scientists explain the decades of research behind its success. The Conversation. September 28, 2024.

Rohde R.E. Polio’s Last Stand: The Global Fight for Eradication. American Society for Microbiology, Bugs and Drugs. September 20, 2024.

Phelps, R., Rohde, R.E. (2024). COVID-19 and Uncertain Times. In: McClellan, S. (eds) Data, Security, and Trust in Smart Cities. Signals and Communication Technology. Springer, Cham.

Rohde R.E. Invited interview for the #podcast on Let’s Talk Micro with Luis Plaza – 154 – What is Dengue with Dr. Rodney E. Rohde. September 5, 2024.

Rohde R.E. Dengue Is Spreading: Is Warmer Weather to Blame? American Society for Microbiology, Bugs and Drugs. August 12, 2024.

Rohde R.E. Featured in Today’s Clinical Lab – Battling Rabies and Beyond: A Molecular Epidemiologist’s Perspective of the Medical Laboratory Sciences by María Rosales Gerpe, MSc, PhD. August 28, 2024.

Rohde, R.E. Invited interview with Robert Herriman for Outbreak News TV YouTube / Infectious Diseases News Facebook – World Rabies Day – talk to Dr. Rodney E. Rohde and Pamela J. Wilson about rabies and #WorldRabiesDay. September 29, 2021.

Rohde, R. E. Invited interview for Follow the Science #podcast with Faye Flam – 37. Beyond COVID10 – other Looming Threats. September 12, 2021. 

Rohde, R.E. Invited interview with @Eric Weaver and @Daniel Chipping on @Race to Value podcast – COVID-19 & SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant: Scientific Insights from a Leading Virologist, with Dr. Rodney E. Rohde. August 20, 2021.

Rohde, R.E. Invited Episode 3: Novel Coronavirus, Part 1 with Rodney Rohde via Texas State Newsroom and #BigIdeasTXST #TXST_THR Translational Health Research, March 16, 2020.

Rohde, R.E. Invited interview for Outbreak News Today radio podcast – Coronavirus Q&A with Rodney Rohde, PhD Outbreak News This Week.  February 6, 2020.

Rohde R.E. Expert guidance and commentary, Novel Coronavirus Lab Protocols and Responses: Next Steps by Rodney Rohde, PhD, for the American Society for Microbiology | February 3, 2020 | Elsevier Novel Coronavirus Information Center.

Rohde R.E. KXAN News interview, Chinese province placed on UT-Austin’s restricted travel list after coronavirus outbreak, January 28, 2020.

Rohde R.E. Invited interview for Fox 7 News, Update on #nCoV #Coronavirus Outbreak, January 21, 2020. See:

Rohde, R.E. Interviewed by Shira Feder, The Daily Beast for expert opinion – Superbug Outbreak Hits Neonatal Unit at Pittsburgh Hospital. July 2, 2019.

Rohde, R.E. Expert opinion, @RodneyRohde, infectious disease expert from @txst provides insight on ‘crypto’ fecal parasite living in swimming pools that can ultimately lead to death, July 1, 2019.

Rohde, R.E. Invited interview for Outbreak News Today radio podcast – Elsevier Book on Rabies on Outbreak News This Week.  June 14, 2019.

Rohde, R.E. Invited AHE EXCHANGE Conference interview – Antimicrobial Resistance, HAIs and the Environment! August 2018, Columbus, OH.

Rohde, R.E. Invited interview by Dr. Tara C. Smith @aetiology for @SELFmagazine #rabies education article! What do you know about this deadly virus? January 24, 2019.

Rohde, R.E. Invited interview for Texas State University Newsroom: Featured Faculty – As mystery illness AFM spreads across U.S., professor stresses need for laboratory test to confirm diagnosis. October 23, 2018.

Rohde, R.E. Invited interview for Outbreak News Today radio podcast – Rabies: History, myths and diagnosis on Outbreak News This Week.  September 2, 2018.

Rohde, R.E. Invited interview for Outbreak News Today radio podcast – Doctorate in Clinical Laboratory Science, #DCLS.  August 28, 2018.

Rohde, R.E. Invited #hcsmSA Twitter chatExpert Panel – The future of managing outbreaks using digital technologies. See transcript of chat session:

Rohde, R.E. Invited Expert Research Panel for [2018 Part 2] Understanding Discipline Norms in Terms of Publishing, Peer Review, Open Access, Data, Metrics

Rohde, R.E. Infection Commentary – Our Darkest Hour: Las Vegas Mass Shooting.  December 21, 2017.

Rohde, R.E. Video clip used by the ASCLS Education and Research Fund for #GivingTuesday.

Rohde, R.E. Invited interview for Outbreak News Today radio podcast – Antibiotic resistance, the ‘post-antibiotic era, and antimicrobial stewardship.  November 15, 2017.

Rohde, R.E. Infection Commentary – What really happens when I receive the #flu vaccine? October 9, 2017.

#VaccinesMatter & #ScienceMatters NOW, more than ever! Listen in to my interview on the topic –Rohde, R.E. Invited interview for ‘In Space on the Left’ Podcast, Vaccine Science and 15 Trillion Gallons. August 30, 2017. & Itunes & Google Play

Rohde, R.E. Invited interview for The Big Bid Theory’ Podcast, Hurricane Harvey: What now, what next? August 29, 2017. 

Rohde, R.E. To Better Target HAIs and Superbugs, Let’s Set our Sights on the Unsung, Everyday Heroes of EVS. Perspectives, Infection Control Today, pp. 12-14.

Rohde, R.E. Commentary – AntibioticResistance and HAIs: Elective Medical Procedures or not? August 9, 2017.

Rohde, R.E. Invited Interview for Outbreak News Today radio podcast – HAIs. June 1st, 2017. Text:  Radio Podcast:

Rohde, R.E. Invited Interview for Texas State “Professor to Professor Webcast Series – Promoting Healthcare Research.” (scroll down) May 16, 2017

Rohde, R.E. & Tim Gauthier. Stewards Working To Save Antibiotics: Pharmacy & The Medical Laboratory April 27, 2017

Rohde, R.E. Feature Story for #MLPW2017 #LabWeek, April 25, 2017

Rohde, R.E. Invited Interview for Outbreak News Today radio podcast April 20, 2017. Text: Radio Podcast:

Rohde, R.E. Feature Story for TEDx video – Saving Lives in the Shadows of Healthcare, February 23, 2017

Rohde, R.E. Feature story via UMF Corporation in Infection Control Today (ICT) regarding TEDx talk, January 5th, 2017. Text:

Rohde, R.E. Invited Interview for Outbreak News Today radio podcast December 28, 2016. Text: Radio Podcast:

 Rohde, R.E. Feature Story for TEDx video – Saving Lives in the Shadows of Healthcare, December 22, 2016.

Rohde, R.E. Interview for print article in ADVANCE for Administrators of the Laboratory – Changes in Zika diagnostics: How is the field of medical laboratory science advancing when it comes to identifying and monitoring Zika? December, 2016.

Rohde, R.E. Interview for print article: Medical Laboratory Scientists, Educators speak out against CMS position on nursing degrees. Outbreak News Today, October 3, 2016 –

Wilson, P. & Rohde, R.E. Outbreak News Today Podcast interview – Rabies: A comprehensive interview with Pamela Wilson (from Rohde & Wilson article). September 18th, 2016

Rohde, R.E. University Star Interview – Updates on Zika Virus and Precautions. August 25, 2016.

Rohde, R.E. KXAN NBC (Austin) television interview –  Professor puts Zika Virus into Perspective. June 28, 2016.

Rohde, R.E. Commentary – If you thought Ebola and Zika were scary, just wait! June 21, 2016.

Rohde, R.E. Interviewed by The News Dispatch (Hays Free Press) – State Health Officials Discuss Zika Virus. June 21, 2016.

Rohde, R.E. Article Feature Focus: Newly Published HAI Series for Clinical Laboratory Professionals.

Rohde, R.E.  Article Feature Focus: The Hidden Profession that Saves Lives.

Rohde R.E. University Star Interview – New Developments for the Zika Virus and what to do. February 24, 2016.

KTSW Radio Interview (R.E. Rohde) February 4, 2016. Zika virus and implications for health.

Rohde, R.E. Bobcat Blog invited commentary. February 3, 2016.  Don’t Look Now – #Zika is in Texas!

Rohde, R.E. Health magazine online – published written interview, Zika Mosquito Outbreak. February 4, 2016.

Rohde, R.E. Texas Standard (KUT) audio interview on Zika virus in the Americas. February 2, 2016. (podcast and web story) via

Rohde, R.E. San Marcos Daily Record – published written interview, Zika Mosquito Endemic in Texas. February 2, 2016.

Rohde, R.E. et al. Texas State Hillviews, 2015 spring edition. Focus on College of Health Professions, including Clinical Laboratory Science. May 12, 2015: pp. 18-21.

Healthcare Facilities Today – published written interview, Scholar bringing ES role in infection prevention to the forefront. Q2, April 2015: pp. 11-13.–9115

CLS student Lindsey Coulter is first in Texas State history to receive CDC/APHL EID Fellowship!

USA Today Interview 12/16/2013 – R. Rohde on “Dangerous bacteria expand reach

CLS Distinguished Author at ASCLS 2013 for MRSA Nursing Prevalence publication

Texas State CLS Senior, Priya Dhagat, wins First Place National (ASCLS) Award for Undergraduate Research Project on MRSA!

Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs): It could happen to you!

HOT TOPIC selection by BMC Health Services Research:

See this recent story:Interview National Geographic News, May 4th, 2009, “New, Fast-Evolving Rabies Virus Found — And Spreading”, , Story is directly involved to 2006 publication: Leslie, MJ, Messenger S, Rohde RE, Smith J, Cheshier R, Hanlon C, et al. Bat-associated rabies virus in skunks. Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet]. 2006 Aug [date cited].

CLS Alumna, Erin Walker, helps develop personalized T cell therapy for MS patients

CLS Alumna, Callie Camp Wright, recognized for research!

Rohde, students commended for clinical research!!

Hillviews article on Rohde, “Disease Detective”


Prior to my appointment as an assistant professor at Texas State University, I served as a microbiologist and molecular epidemiologist for the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS, formerly TDH)-Bureau of Laboratories and Zoonosis Control Division (ZCD) for 10 years.  It was at this institution that I developed an interest in zoonotic disease, especially with respect to rabies.  I spent much of my time performing antigenic and molecular typing of the different variants of rabies virus.  The epidemiologic evidence gathered from this testing provided information for the Oral Rabies Vaccination Program (ORVP)conducted by the ZCD.  I  still volunteer for the ORVP team each January and I have continued to collaborate with the DSHS and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in rabies efforts.   While at DSHS, I helped initiate the Regional Reference Laboratory for Rabies Virus Variant Typing in collaboration with the CDC.  As a faculty member at Texas State, I bring my experience from the DSHS laboratory and ORVP efforts with respect to public health into the various courses that I teach: clinical microbiology, clinical immunology, molecular diagnostics, parasitology, clinical research, and seminars. 

airplane      baitload         bait   Canadian arial distribution                Automated plane bait loading          Actual bait size

Recently, I have become interested in antimicrobial resistance, specifically Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).  I have conducted collaborative projects with DSHS in respect to the prevalence of MRSA in a Texas prison population.  I plan to continue with these research endeavors at Texas State University while investigating other issues with respect to clinical diagnosis of infectious disease.

CLS Class of 2008


LS Student, Kim Barron, working with MRSA.


Rabies virus causes an acute encephalitis in all warm-blooded hosts, including humans, and the outcome is almost always fatal. Although all species of mammals are susceptible to rabies virus infection, only a few species are important as reservoirs for the disease. In the United States, several distinct rabies virus variants have been identified in terrestrial mammals, including raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes. In addition to these terrestrial reservoirs, several species of insectivorous bats are also reservoirs for rabies.

Rabies virus belongs to the order Mononegavirales, viruses with a nonsegmented, negative-stranded RNA genome. Within this group, viruses with a distinct “bullet” shape are classified in the Rhabdoviridae family, which includes at least three genera of animal viruses, Lyssavirus, Ephemerovirus, and Vesiculovirus. The genus Lyssavirus includes rabies virus, Lagos bat, Mokola virus, Duvenhage virus, European bat virus 1 & 2 and a newly discovered Australian bat virus.

Rabies is a preventable viral disease of mammals most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. The vast majority of rabies cases reported to the CDC each year occur in wild animals like raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes. Domestic animals account for less than 10% of the reported rabies cases, with cats, cattle, and dogs most often reported rabid.

Rabies virus infects the central nervous system, causing encephalopathy and ultimately death. Early symptoms of rabies in humans are nonspecific, consisting of fever, headache, and general malaise. As the disease progresses, neurological symptoms appear and may include insomnia, anxiety, confusion, slight or partial paralysis, excitation, hallucinations, agitation, hypersalivation, difficulty swallowing, and hydrophobia (fear of water). Death usually occurs within days of the onset of symptoms.

flying bat                   hoarybat                   flying bat

Most of the recent human rabies cases in the United States have been caused by rabies virus from bats. Awareness of the facts about bats and rabies can help people protect themselves, their families, and their pets.   When people think about bats, they often imagine things that are not true. Bats are not blind. They are neither rodents nor birds. They will not suck your blood — and most do not have rabies. Bats play key roles in ecosystems around the globe, from rain forests to deserts, especially by eating insects, including agricultural pests. The best protection we can offer these unique mammals is to learn more about their habits and recognize the value of living safely with them.

redbat                            mexican
(Red bat)                                                                           (Mexican freetail bat)