Physical Mailing Address:
Texas State University
College of Health Professions
Clinical Laboratory Science / Encino Hall 363, Dean’s Office/ENC 201H
601 University Drive San Marcos, TX 78666
Driving Directions to the CLS Department
Find Me Online:
I just listened to your WebEx program on issues regarding staffing and retention of Lab professionals. I wish I could say that I didn’t know most of what you were discussing but I would have loved to hear some ideas for alleviating them. I have considered working with my son who is a film editor-in-training to help me develop some YouTube content discussing lab in an engaging and amusing way to help guide knowledge of what lab techs do and perhaps guide people to the programs that are available.
HI Elizabeth, thanks for the comments! To your point, I have been speaking with Cardinal Health and others about ways to make this happen – COMMERCIALS and information campaigns directed at our profession, much like J&J has done for Nursing. NOW IS THE TIME! Thanks for all you do! #WeSaveLivesEveryday
My name is Halie. I am interested in transferring to Texas State University in the fall of 2021. I plan on majoring in the Clinical Laboratory Science program. I have a few questions.
Are tours being offered sometime this summer?
If not, do you know where the place is that I would be taking classes for my chosen major?
Do you know of someone I can contact in the Clinical Laboratory Science program?
Is there a way I can find out if my classes can transfer the way I would need them to?
Is there classes that would be recommend for me to take at your college rather than the college I am at, which is Tyler Junior College, like organic chemistry 1 and 2, microbiology, ect.?
Is there a course sequence sheet or advising guide of classes I would take and the order recommended to take them in and if classes are offered during a specific semester?
Do I have to have all prerequisites and general course classes before starting the CLS courses?
I am just wanting to find out all the information I can before making a choice in where I want to transfer to.
Thank you for your time,
Halie Willeford
Hi Halie,
ALL of this can be found on our main CLS website:
Good Luck!
I have an interest in trying to join undergraduate research on this campus and was wondering if you had any opportunities or information that could help. Thanks!
Hi Mason,
I would recommend you check out the Undergraduate Research as a search item on our main TXST webpage. Good Luck and Eat Em Up Cats!
Doc R